The closing ceremony of the mentorship program “Senhor Comendador Arménio Miranda” in partnership with a Escola Superior de Biotecnologia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (ESBUCP) took place on the 19th october, at Frulact´s RDI center Frutech.
During the school year 2017/2018, this program offered all ESBUCP´s PhD students the opportunity to interact with Frulact´s founder Senhor Comendador Arménio Miranda. In order to sign up for the program, the students submitted information on their PhD projects – theme, research work´s planning and deliverables, as well as a brief description of the expected impact of the program.
In July 2017, the program received 21 applications! A team composed of ESBUCP and Frulact´s representatives and of course, Comendador Arménio Miranda himself, selected 5 students who stood out for the quality of their work and enthusiasm.
The selected works were well aligned with Frulact´s strategic knowledge axis and ranged from new technologies, molecular biology methods and applications and new products and processes for nutritional, sensorial, health and well-being differentiation.
Comendador Arménio Miranda, doctor honoris causa of ESBUCP, is a natural-born innovator and inspirational coach, and has since held regular meetings with the students and their respective PhD supervisors, guiding and enriching the 5 projects with suggestions derived from his curiosity and extensive industrial experience.
The final evaluation committee, composed of Comendador Arménio Miranda (Frulact´s founder), João Miranda (Frulact´s president and CEO), Isabel Vasconcelos (ESBUCP director), Freni Trafaria (Guest Assistant Professor at ESBUCP) and Pilar Morais (Innovation director at Frulact) had the difficult task of selecting two (and two only) OUTSTANDING projects.
These were:
Student: Tânia Isabel Bragança Ribeiro
Description: Development and characterization of functional ingredients from olive pomace: bioactivity and potential application as bioactive edible films
Supervisors: Manuela Pintado; João Miguel Almeida Nunes (BLC3); António Augusto Vicente
Student: Catarina Pereira de Melo Vila Real
Description: Nutritional, physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory characterization of two functional fermented African cereal-based products, and stability throughout storage
Supervisors: Ana Maria Gomes; Elisabete Cristina Bastos Pinto