Cookie Policy

Cookies that were defined in the past

If you deactivated one or more cookies, we can still use the information collected before the setting was changed to “deactivated”. However, we will not use the deactivated cookie to collect more information.

How should cookies be managed in different browsers?

Users can allow, block or delete cookies installed on their computer by setting the browser options. Please read the help section of your browser carefully to find out more information about how to activate the “private mode” or how to unblock certain cookies.

Location of this option in the most common browsers:

Google Chrome

By default, all cookies are allowed, but you can adjust this setting.

Take the following steps:

  • Click on the Chrome menu on the browser’s tool bar.
  • Settings;
  • Show advanced settings;
  • In “Privacy”, click on the content settings;
  • Select “Block data definition by websites”.

To change the cookie settings, take the following steps:

  • Delete cookies;
  • Block cookies by default;
  • Allow cookies by default;
  • Keep cookies and data from the website by default until leaving the browser;
  • Create exceptions for cookies from specific websites or domains.

Microsoft Edge

  • Open Microsoft Edge and select Settings and more;
  • Settings;
  • Privacy and services;
  • Clear browser data;
  • Select “Choose what you intend to clear”;
  • Select “Cookies and other website data”;
  • Select “Clear now”.

Mozilla Firefox

  • Select the “Tools” menu;
  • Select “Options”;
  • Select “Privacy”, which is in the upper panel;
  • In the cookies section deactivate the “Accept cookies from websites” option. Click on “OK” to save the changes and close.


  • Select “Edit”;
  • Click on “Preferences”;
  • On the upper panel, select the “Privacy” icon;
  • On the “Accept cookies” section, select “Never”.


By accepting the use of cookies, we consider the user to have accepted the use of cookies for the purposes indicated and in accordance with the conditions contained on this page.

If at any time you want to withdraw your consent to our Cookie Policy, you must delete the cookies stored, by adjusting the respective options which are in the “Tools” menu of your browser.

Contact us

The data collected and stored in Cookies will not be made available by Frulact to third-party entities and shall only be used for marketing campaigns upon authorisation from the visitor. The navigation of the website is monitored only for statistical purposes.

If you have any questions related to this Cookie Policy, you can contact us at the following email address: