Corporate Ethics Compliance channel
The purpose of this channel is to make it possible to receive inquiries about doubts that may arise in the application of the organization’s internal rules and procedures by all those who are related to the company, be it with the financial, commercial and sales area, purchases and relationships with suppliers, as well as human resources.
We are facing a completely confidential incident communication channel and available to all those who are part of or are related to Frulact to communicate and/or consult any potential anomaly, failure, risk or non-compliance in terms of regulatory compliance. To do this, Frulact enables this specific form from which it will process communications under the responsibility of the company through a channel endowed with the legal guarantees of privacy, confidentiality and data protection.
We would appreciate receiving any communication related to possible bad financial, accounting, commercial or compliance practices related to the group and its activities with the ultimate purpose of correcting behavior and improving as an organization.
From Frulact we guarantee, in compliance with current legislation, confidentiality and the activation of the measures at our disposal to avoid any type of retaliation. This mechanism is also established to receive questions about doubts that may arise in the application of the organization’s internal rules and procedures.
Corporate code of conduct and ethics
The goal of the Corporate Code of Conduct, applied throughout the company, is to transmit the essential values and principles that guide Frulact´s business activity. Compliance with the code is encouraged and expected by all parties, employees, shareholders, partners and anyone working in our Frulact family. A strong ethical foundation is also important in any party with whom we seek to do business.