Innovation Our commitment
Innovation is Frulact´s most important competitive and sustainable advantage.
We are led by creativity and invention to meet the challenges of an ever-changing market and ensure we produce the very best food products today and into the future.
Innovation fuels us to evolve, grow and make a positive difference.
We work to guarantee:

We work to guarantee:



What Inspires us
We embed innovation throughout the value chain, from the field to the consumer, identifying opportunities to improve not only products and processes, but also the way we interact with our stakeholders; inspired by the market, science and people.
Frulact’s Market Intelligence monitors and analyses the market using tools from partners like Mintel, XTC, Euromonitor and PortugalFoods. Through this knowledge sharing we establish a unique culture that contributes to developments in products and processes, and to generating Industry 4.0 insights.
Science & Technology
Frulact works closely with academia, research institutes, suppliers and other commercial partners. We engage with our stakeholders to secure a constant flow of new knowledge into the Frulact group. This continuous reinforcement of our competencies will help us lead, ensure we are the first to adopt best practices and processes and supports the launch of the most interesting market innovations.
At Frulact we count on everyone to contribute with bold thinking and original ideas.
“Knowledge Clipping” is a management tool to organize and disseminate technical and market intelligence. “Frulact Academy” is a project dedicated to the continual training and development of our teams. Regular events are organised to promote learning and knowledge sharing around strategic guidelines.
Funded Innovation projects
Get to know Frulact’s latest innovation projects!
The main objective of the project is the development of analytical tools that will enable a more robust control of the microbiological quality of fruit preparations during processing, storage and transport. ...
The food sector needs to achieve sustainabiIity and be fully integrated, interconnected, transparent, resilient, secure, resource efficient and consumer focused. ...
The cLabel+ project: natural, nutritious and consumer-oriented foods, innovative “clean label” foods, is a technological research and development project focused on responding to the challenges ...
Strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch) is the preferred fruit in the fruit processing industry, representing over 40% of the total fruit volume purchased by Frulact. The adequacy of the strawberry fruit ...
The project “PLANTFOODS – Development of non-dairy foods and beverages” has as its main objective the research, development and production of fermented and non-fermented non-dairy plant bases ...
frulact 4.0
Contribution to the digital transformation
At Frulact we are working towards the commoditization of the IoT (Internet of Things) and its resulting benefits. Our operational management processes are fully supported by software, guaranteeing that vital information throughout the chain – like the complete traceability of raw materials and products – is readily available. We are also enhancing our production equipment and packaging in order to make them “communicate” autonomously with each other, and with users and operators.
Among other Frulact Industry 4.0 projects, we highlight: