Main Goal

Development of non-dairy foods and beverages.

Project Metas

Intervention Region: Region North
Project Approval: 2018-05-15
Start date: 2018-05-20
End date: 2021-11-19
Total Eligible Investiment: 500.364,27€
European Union financial support: 302.865,07€

Frulact Partner



The project “PLANTFOODS – Development of non-dairy foods and beverages” has as its main objective the research, development and production of fermented and non-fermented non-dairy plant bases (PLANTFOODS bases), using cereals as sources of raw materials, that will be enriched with the incorporation of legumes and/or oleaginous fruits.

This combination aims to obtain formulations with added value in terms of well-balanced nutritional composition, wide physical and microbiological stability, high organoleptic quality and validated biological functionality, contributing as a key ingredient enabling the development and supply of new products that promote health and well-being. These solutions aim to reach consumers who are looking for alternative products of plant origin, aligned with the current trend of flexitarianism and/or physiological intolerance demands.

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